I'm going to be starting what will (hopefully) be a weekly blog post called Songs To Know for the Weekend, or STKW, which will consist of songs you might want to listen to through the week to get yourself ready for an awesome weekend. This way, Friday seems that much closer.
It's T Shirt Tiiiiiime!
Jersey Shore may be on a small hiatus for now until the third season debuts, but at least they've given us something to remember them by. I don't mean just the catchy quotes which make us laugh (though if you're like me, you still can't help quoting them in every day life). Now, we have a song to keep our heads rockin' and our fists pumpin'!
I have to be honest: I have no idea who made this song, and I have no idea where you can find it to add it to your collection. All I know? It's catchy, it's got a great beat to play over some big speakers at your favorite party spot, and most importantly it keeps everyone well-informed on what time it is so no one's left without a t-shirt when the "cabs are here"! There is really no way to lose.
Does it have a lot of substance? Well, it's no Love The Way You Lie Pt. 2. Will it keep you dancing around in your computer chair until this weekend rolls around? I'm willing to bet my money on a grenade-sized YES.
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